8:00 PM20:00

Michele Gedney - Livestream

Join me for an intimate live streamed evening of music and conversation. I’ll play some of my newest songs and old favorites, and look forward to answering your questions and comments in between. Come ready to interact and chat with me and other listeners. Show begins at 8pm EST. Watch live on Facebook or YouTube: https://www.facebook.com/events/1546257169386334

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to Oct 11

Songwriting Retreat: Dar William's 'Writing a Song That Matters' (Copy)

  • The Garrison Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Michele is a co-leader/founder at this amazing, yearly songwriting retreat.  

"We're very happy to announce that this is our 13th year here at Writing a Song That Matters! We're incredibly grateful for the many returning songwriters that have become like family."

Sign up on the retreat website

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to Aug 9

Songwriting Retreat: Dar William's 'Writing a Song That Matters' (Copy)

  • The Garrison Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Michele is a co-leader/founder at this amazing, yearly songwriting retreat.  

"We're very happy to announce that this is our 13th year here at Writing a Song That Matters! We're incredibly grateful for the many returning songwriters that have become like family."

Sign up on the retreat website

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to Jul 12

Songwriting Retreat: Dar William's 'Writing a Song That Matters'

  • The Garrison Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Michele is a co-leader/founder at this amazing, yearly songwriting retreat.  

"We're very happy to announce that this is our 13th year here at Writing a Song That Matters! We're incredibly grateful for the many returning songwriters that have become like family."

Sign up on the retreat website

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8:30 PM20:30

Opening for The String Revolution

The String Revolution is a multiple Grammy award-winning, innovative and dynamic guitar band that pushes the boundaries of traditional music. Composed of three virtuoso guitarists, they are renowned for their electrifying performances, blending different genres and styles to create a unique and captivating sound. Their intricate melodies, mesmerizing harmonies, and astonishing guitar skills have earned them a dedicated following and critical acclaim worldwide. Click below for tickets:

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8:00 PM20:00

"Music My Mother Wouldn't Like" hosted by Bruce Swan

“Join us for our showcase series #171 where we present three national, touring acoustic performers. This week we are thrilled to host Anna Kline, Michele Gedney, and The Honey Badgers.
The show is by donation and you can register for free to attend here: https://us02web.zoom.us/.../tZYrfu...
Please register early and join us in the Zoom room for a great night of music. Support these artists and watch from the safety and comfort of your home”

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8:30 PM20:30

Towne Crier presents: Michele Gedney opening for KJ Denhert & The Evening News

Reserve tickets: www.townecrier.com ~ call: 845-855-1300.

Award winning singer-songwriter KJ Denhert has released her 11th album, The Evening News. The album could easily have been a live set on any number of Wednesdays where the seasoned performer and writer was spreading her wings. The Evening News is the band name, celebrating their first recording together with a show at The Towne Crier . KJ and The band will play songs from the album and other original music weaving songs and stories.

Our Very Special Guest will be Michele Gedney.
Michele spent the last 23 years performing and recording with her late husband, Rick Gedney, in the duo Open Book. Their new album, Leaning In, was released to critical acclaim in the Fall of 2023. Michele is a founding member of the Dar Williams Songwriting Retreat, now in its 12th year. She was winner of the Connecticut Folk Songwriting compettion. Michele has begun to perform again and will be joined by members of The Evening News in her set.

KJ and Michele have been friends forever, and KJ also joined the staff at Dar Williams songwriting retreat at Michele's recommendation. The evening will feature lots of original music. You'll hear songs of love, loss, joy and connection. Please reserve tickets early to reduce stress for Michele and KJ :-) xo

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5:00 PM17:00

Album Release “Leaning In” Listening Event

Save the date...September 10th - 5pm

Please save the date to join me for an evening of reflection and gratitude where we’ll gather together at The Garrison Institute, in Garrison, NY, in their beautiful meditation hall, to listen to the new Open Book album, "Leaning In".

Rick and I had finished recording all of these tracks before he passed away in January.  
A few months ago, I came to the realization that finishing this album would be a
meaningful way to process this loss and to honor Rick.
It’s been an emotional, devastating, and beautiful project.  
I’m so grateful to Billy Masters, our producer, and the brilliant musicians on this album
who helped me to see what an amazing gift this music is. 

Save the date...details to be announced closer to the event.

With love, Michele 

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3:00 PM15:00

Desmond Fish Library presents: Concert with Open Book

Join us on the library lawn on Saturday, September 10th at 3pm for a concert with Open Book.This concert is made possible, in part, through the Putnam Art Council’s Arts Link Grant Program with public funds provided through the NY State Council on the Arts with support form the Governor’s office and the NY State Legislature. Registration is requested but not required.

Desmond Fish Library Registration

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to Aug 5

Songwriting Retreat: Dar William's 'Writing a Song That Matters' (Copy)

  • The Garrison Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Michele and Rick are facilitators at this amazing, yearly songwriting retreat.  

"We're very happy to announce that this is our 10th year here at Writing a Song That Matters! We're incredibly grateful for the many returning songwriters that have become like family."

Sign up on the retreat website

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to Jun 24

Songwriting Retreat: Dar William's 'Writing a Song That Matters'

  • The Garrison Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Michele and Rick are facilitators at this amazing, yearly songwriting retreat.  

"We're very happy to announce that this is our 10th year here at Writing a Song That Matters! We're incredibly grateful for the many returning songwriters that have become like family."

Sign up on the retreat website

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7:00 PM19:00

Edwards Opera House Singer Songwriter Series 2022

Splitting the bill with our friends, The KJ Denhert Trio!

TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW for the show! Please visit edwardsoperahouse.com/tickets to get yours today! While you can get a ticket for each show for $10, we hope you’ll consider the full-series virtual pass for $35, which gives you access to all 7 shows - it’s a steal! For friends who might be near the area, tickets for the in-person show are also available at the site - please note that all patrons will need to show proof of vaccination and masks are required for the entire show.

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8:00 PM20:00

“Couples Therapy” @ The Towne Crier

A therapeutic deep dive into the songwriting and lives of 3 married, musical couples! Moderated by the incomparable Scott Ramsey. The evening will be real, raw, and live while the artists share the stage, songs, stories, and maybe some advice for each other’s relationships. You don’t want to miss this first installment of “Couples Therapy” live at Towne Crier Cafe.

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2018 Sunset Concert Series - Port Washington, NY